Now, I'm not going to tell our whole story here, even though it's a good one. I just want to say that I'm blessed by God to have such a wonderful wife, and I don't take it for granted. I'm not always an easy person to live with (moody, opinionated, not a morning person), and she's poured out more grace and mercy than I could have hoped for. I am humbled by her love.
About that like vs. love thing: If one's love is rooted in faith and is a chosen action rather than a fleeting emotion, love can and should last a lifetime. If you're married, you should always love your spouse. There may be days, though, when the love endures but the liking isn't so strong. I can truly say that I love my wife and there's no one I like more. She makes the mundane things in life more enjoyable and the difficult things in life far more bearable.
Thanks, Jen, for being my wife these six years. I love you more each day. Thanks, too, to those who've supported us and celebrate this anniversary alongside us.
Thank you so much. I'm blushing. I am truly one blessed wife and mother. I agree with you that if your foundation is God, your marriage will thrive. Thank you for putting up with my moods & you know I'm not much of a night person :). You are gracious in helping with the kids even when you first walk in the door after a hard day at work. Thank you for being my knight and challenging others to be. I too thank all who have poured out their wisdom, love & prayers.
P.S. I may have ignored you the first time you tried to talk to me but dropping the hatchback hatch on me really got my attention :).
I remember that day in 2000 since I was at your wedding. Nate and Jen, thanks for letting Gil and I conduct our first premarital counseling with the two of you when we had no idea what we were doing. (We still don't but don't tell.) Way to keep the fire burning by battling to run to Jesus with everything in your marriage. Congratulations
Aw, happy belated anniversary!
Nate & Jen
Happy belated wedding anniversary. Nate, I rejoice in the blessed, wonderful and unique gift God has given you. You deserve it!
Love & Prayers always,
Michael Atto
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