
What are You Reading?

I've always been curious to know what people are reading, what their presets are on the car radio, what's on their iPod, etc. It says a lot about a person--sometimes a surprising lot.

So what are you reading these days?

I tend to read several books at a time, usually in different genres and picked up depending on my mood. My current books are:
  • The Bible. I'm in this book daily. It challenges me, encourages me and, yes, even confuses me at times. Worth wrestling with.
  • No Need for Speed: A Beginner's Guide to the Joy of Running by John Bingham. A gift from my wife and a great, enjoyable read on getting into running. Or, as is my case, getting back into running. I'm addicted again...but in a good way.
  • The Politics of Disaster: Katrina, Big Government, and A New Strategy for Future Crises by Marvin Olasky. The title kind of says it all, but it's basically a look at the truth about the Katrina disaster (surprising how many myths are still believed about that), what went right, what went wrong and how to plan for such things in the future. He's looking on the national level, though, not the individual level I'm more familiar with. Light reading ;)
  • Green Shadows, White Whale by Ray Bradbury. I'd never heard of this book, though I enjoy Bradbury greatly. My wife found it at a book fair recently and got it for me. Hilarious! It's a partly fictional account (exaggerations of actual events) of Bradbury's time in Ireland with director John Huston working on the screenplay for Moby Dick.
  • Next up is a recent purchase from Pastor Kevin's recommended list, Church History In Plain Language by Bruce L. Shelley.


Anonymous said...

There's this kids' book series about a boy wizard, which series is ending at midnight tonight. Perhaps you've heard of it?

Before that ate my brain, I was midway through:

'Freedom in Exile-the Autobiography of the Dalai Lama' and 'Decision Making and the Will of God' by Garry Friesen & Robin Maxon

I had barely begun 'Through a Screen Darkly' by Jeffrey Overstreeet. I'll have to start that one over.

There's a pile more to get to after that. Why can't I be paid just to read? I should've been a book reviewer! (Though the stuff they have to slog through I'm sure drives them crazy sometimes.)

Nate said...

Boy wizard, eh? Hmm...sounds suspect;)

I saw that you finished it. My wife just did, too. I heard there was some good spiritual/Christian content. I'll have to hear more about it.

Looks like you've got a nice, broad spectrum of reading. Excellent.