Sermons Ideas:
1) "I believe; help my unbelief."
2) The power of secrets (Props? Roots destroy sidewalks, walls)
3) The unity of the Body.
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I spoke w/ P. Edward last week. It was so encouraging. He is excited to have us and already I am fond of this brother and grateful to be partnering w/ him & City Harvest. It was good to get perspective & be reminded that the petty trials I encounter, the annoyances & interpersonal difficulties pale in comparison to what Kenyans struggle w/ daily.
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The coffee came in this week and P. Kevin pitched it this morning. I'm eager to see how that goes and wonder if it will end up being a much bigger part of our support that I'd anticipated. The coffee's good, too--thankfully. Green Mtn. Coffee Kenyan Highland Cooperatives.
Less than a month to go now--wow! Tickets have been purchased. Our itinerary is in order. I'm excited & anxious both. I know God is working in us & will work through us. He has provided above & beyond my expectations, yet I wonder how the gap will be closed. We are very short financially @ the moment. I have faith that God can bridge that gap, but should I be making a contingency plan?
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